Treating Rosacea – Our top tips, recommended treatments & products [updated]

a close up of a woman's face

April may be rosacea awareness month, but it is an issue that many endure year around. We are shining a light on this hard to treat condition, that for sufferers, is the (unwanted) gift that keeps giving. We recommend the best in-clinic skin treatments and quality skin care products. [Updated 22 February 2022]

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is an inflammatory condition that can present as diffused redness, sometimes with enlarged pores and breakouts, inflammation, a stinging or burning sensation and/or flushing. More advanced forms of rosacea may also include excess fibrous tissue over the nose, known as rhinophyma, requiring medical intervention.

Rosacea symptoms can flare up for weeks to months before subsiding.

Symptoms include:

  • Enlarged pores and breakouts
  • Inflammation
  • Stinging or burning sensation
  • Flushing and blushing

Can Rosacea Be Cured?

The good news, even though rosacea is notoriously hard to treat and there is no known cure (or definitive reason why it occurs), it can be managed well with the help of a highly trained skin clinician and the correct skin care plan.

How To Manage Rosacea – Top Tips and Tricks

To get you started, we’re sharing our tips and tricks for managing rosacea flare-ups, which typically worsen in the cooler months.

  1. Protect your skins barrier. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! A dry or dehydrated skin when suffering from rosacea will almost always cause sensitivity and flare ups. Ensure that you moisturise religiously with the correct moisturiser, do not strip barriers with harsh cleansers that dry the skin, and go easy on the actives.
  2. Maintain a simple skincare routine and consider adding niacinamide to that daily skin routine to treat the inflammation and minimise breakouts. Be aware that not all Niacinamide’s are formulated the same. Look for formulations with a minimum 10% and a pH of around 6-ish. See our recommended Products below.
  3. Avoid your flare up triggers as much as possible (but you still need to live your life). These could include alcohol, spicy foods, hot showers and excess UV exposure
  4. Book regular targeted treatments. Our in-clinic advanced skin treatments BBL Photo Rejuvenation and LED Light Therapy are our recommendations. See below.
  5. Most people that suffer rosacea find the winter months the worst for flare ups due to the change in environment from indoor heating to the cold outside, try to cover up your skin with a scarf (especially if it’s windy) when heading outdoors.
  6. SPF. Always. No need for explanation here.
  7. Vitamin A can be a god-send, but only if your barrier is healthy.

In Clinic Rosacea Treatments

#1 BBL Photo Rejuvenation

ipl photo rejuvination skin treatmentWhile it’s not a cure, IPL and vascular lasers can show an improvement in the appearance your skin, reducing redness and swelling, as well as improving your skins texture.

BBL is an excellent treatment for those who suffer from rosacea. The Broadband Lights work to rejuvenate the skin, soothing many rosacea symptoms. 

Benefits of BBL Photo Rejuvenation Treatment:

  • Reduces and improves skin texture
  • Treats pigmentation and discolouration
  • Creates an even skin tone
  • Helps heal broken capillaries
  • Soothes redness and inflammation
  • Treats acne and breakouts
  • Destroys bacteria



#2 LED Light Therapy

led light therapy skin treatment

LED light therapy can be used to reduce inflammation and increase cell activity. the use of low-level light energy, triggers the skins natural healing process to repair the skin. LED Light Therapy is incredible for soothing the skin.

This treatment works best when booked regularly to continue boosting the results as it works to heighten internal skin cell functions and induce faster healing. For this reason, LED treatments are incredible to pair with other treatments to boost the effectiveness and recovery process.



REMEMBER: Every rosacea skin is unique and may require some experimentation to work out which combination of treatments works best for you. Jodie King, Skin Clinic Blyss Dermal Therapist explains…


Recommended Products to Treat Rosacea

Aspect Dr RedlessAspect Dr Redless

The Aspect Dr Redless is your ‘go to’ for alleviating dry, stressed and red skin.

This serum delivers antioxidants and detoxifying properties to protect the skin barrier whilst calming and soothing your complexion.



Creamy Cleanser 206ml PCA Skin NR 1536x1536 1PCA Creamy Cleanser

The PCA Creamy Cleanser is gentle and hydrating, effectively removing dirt and makeup without stripping the skin of its essential moisture.

This product is formulated for those with rosacea and dry, reactive skin.




Book a Skin Consultation / Start Your Rosacea Treatment

Advanced Skin Care Treatments RandwickOur expert Dermal skin specialist team at Skin Clinic Blyss is here to help with your Rosacea skin condition.

Contact our team on (02) 9664 8011 or schedule a skin consultation or BBL / LED Light therapy Treatment.



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Posted by Skin Clinic @ Blyss

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